Blue Duck Station


Located in the Ruapehu District on the banks of the Whanganui and Retaruke Rivers, and surrounded by Whanganui National Park, Blue Duck Station is an outdoor enthusiast’s playground.

Blue Duck Station is a working sheep and cattle farm, tourism destination and conservation project.

The station has one of the highest concentrations of whio and kiwi in New Zealand not to mention wetas, native bats and fish. To help increase numbers of these and other native species we are improving their habitat by encouraging bush to regenerate, enhancing water quality and trapping predators.

The tourism side of the business includes 5 lodges, a café and also activities. Activities offered include kayaking (summer only) jet boating, farm tours, horse trekking, clay bird shooting and guided hunting. As well as tramping and cycle trails.

The mountains to sea cycle trail goes through the property as does one of NZ's great walks - The Whanganui journey.

Map & Directions

4265, Oio Road, Owhango


From Taumarunui:
One kilometre south of Owhango Hotel a large green road sign points to Kaitieke, turn right here over the railroad tracks, onto Oio Road.
Blue Duck Station Cafe is 42 kilometers down Oio Road.
Follow signs for Whakahoro and after 15 kilometres you will pass a Memorial Monument, stay on Oio Road following signs for Lower Retaruke.
The road turns to gravel for the last 18 kilometres and you will pass the Retaruke Hall on your left, shortly after this you will enter Blue Duck Station.
500 meters after crossing a blue bridge you will reach Blue Duck Lodge on the right. The driveway is before the Blue Duck Station sign on the right hand side. To reach Whio Lodge, Warrior Lodge, Frontier Lodge and Blue Duck Station Cafe and office continue a further 7 kilometres along the road to Whakahoro. River Quarters Lodge is a further 1 kilometre from the cafe (at the very end of the road)

Cancellation Policy

Cancellation 48 hours or more before arrival = no charge. 48 hours or less before arrival = first nights stay is charged.

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